Wednesday, October 22, 2008


To inaugurate the IFIPS experiment blogspot, I'd like to start by telling about myself...

My Past and Present

I was born and raised on the east coast of the United States and I spent most of my life in the Washington, D.C. area, especially in Gettysburg, PA. When I came to Paris in September of 2006, it was to get my master's degree in French and to become a French professor. But life's path can be winding and unpredictable, so now I'm teaching English at the IUT de Cachan at the Université de Paris-Sud XI. Seeing the internet as an important tool for communication, my colleague Liz and I look forward to seeing our students use their English skills in meaningful dialog.

My Future
or five things I'd like to have accomplished in the next five years

1) I'd like to complete a PhD program in French.

My long term goal is still to return to the US and to inspire students to learn more about France. Having a PhD will allow me to accomplish this and meanwhile to keep learning.

2) I'd like to learn to make curry from scratch.

One of my favorite hobbies is eating; cooking is an important complementary activity. A good eater learns to cook their favorite meals!

3) I want to get back into a regular exercise routine and maintain it!

These days, my exercise routine consists of Parisian window shopping...not exactly the best cardio workout!

4) I hope to visit Germany, Morocco and Argentina.

I plan on going to Argentina to see my friend Pili, an Argentine girl who lived with my family as an exchange student when I was in high school. Friends of mine have traveled to Morocco and have inspired me to want to go. Berlin, Germany, has been on my list since I saw the play Cabaret.

5) I want to learn Spanish.

Knowing how to speak Spanish is quickly becoming a necessity in the United States.